Impending WEB Debit Authorization Requirements and VCI’s Solution
NACHA will enforce a new rule beginning March 2022 that requires that all first-time WEB debits from consumers be validated before submission to the ACH system.
In this new rule, each routing and account number will need to be validated. ACH submitters can satisfy this requirement in a couple of ways:
- Complete a pre-notification to validate the account information
- Complete a successful outbound credit to the account
- Run the account through an acceptable commercial database for screening
Some submitters will do a pre-auth and some might send outbound credits. However, the majority won’t have those options available and will look to their ACH processor to provide compliance.
VCI Will Provide This Screening Service to Our Originators
We will provide NACHA-approved account screening as part of the authorization process on first-time (not recurring) WEB debits. Both our legacy platform and new VEER platform authorization systems will seamlessly check eligible transactions with little to no impact on transaction time or flow.
This required validation will be added to merchant and reseller costs at an industry-low transaction cost starting in March 2022.
Resellers will also have the option to markup the cost and generate a residual payment (so you can grow your bottom line). To accomplish this there will be an additional transaction fee price element on our merchant service agreement and a new reseller schedule A that will include it as well.
Please look for continued updates on this topic over the next few months.
Contact us at 844-980-4VCI or support@vericheck.com with questions, options or to discuss the roll out plan.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership and happy holidays,
Your VCI Team